Relationship Healing
The need for human connection is more prevalent than ever before with the current global events. Do you have someone that you need to release in order to let the right partner in? Do you have an unwanted pattern of relationships that keeps repeating? Could your family connections be better?
Weight Loss
This is one of the most effective techniques for releasing excess weight and energy. Are you an emotional eater? Have you tried diet after diet with inconsistent or no results? There are many emotional and energetic reasons connected to weight gain, lets discover and release what’s holding you back.
Change Habits
Neuroplasticity is a term that refers to the brain's ability to change and adapt as a result of experience. Contrary to old beliefs, modern research has now shown that the brain continues to create new neural pathways and alter existing ones in order to adapt to new experiences, learn new information and create new habits.
Academic Success
Are you suffering from a mental block? Sometimes referred to as 'brain fog', when you have a mental block you lack the ability to focus, which results in a loss of drive and activity. These blocks are barriers standing in the way of your creativity, motivation, and productivity. They are often a result of an emotional or energetic block which can be easily removed and you can start to relax and enjoy the learning process.
Chronic Pain
Once you have a doctors referral to make sure that there isn’t a serious physical structural issue alarming you to an issue, hypnotherapy has been proven in cases to be more successful than even physical therapy. There are endless reasons your body could have trapped energy causing pain, lets release it.
Past Life Regression
Past life regression is based on the assumption or model of reincarnation. Such a model is considered a religious or metaphysical belief. As with all such beliefs it is not the therapist’s job to prove or disprove such beliefs, but rather to assist the client in exploring and discovering their own beliefs about the existence of past life experiences and then to help such experiences create therapeutic movement within themselves. Unlocking and releasing past traumatic experiences to understand, integrate and move past the experience.
Unique to Arcanum Healing, utilize your astrology chart as a diagnostic tool to pinpoint issues causing you distress. Get straight to the root of the problem, quickly. Even if you don’t believe or know what astrology is, its a very useful tool for self-reflection. We can even look at future events and be ready for those situations. Once we identify the issue we use hypnosis to reprocess and release the problem.
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of hyper suggestibility. You are able to access your subconscious mind which encompasses 88% of your total mind power. Your conscious mind, or what’s typically referred to as your everyday state or logical mind is only 12% . You are completely aware and alert but relaxed and able to access where trauma or subconscious issues are stored. They can then be released and reprocessed.